Endoscopic discectomy is a minimally invasive surgical treatment that is used to remove herniated disc material that is causing discomfort in the lower back and legs (lumbar), the mid back (thoracic), or the neck and arms (neck and arms) (cervical).
The least intrusive and most successful surgical approach for treating spinal disc herniation patients is endoscopic discectomy. Endoscopic spine surgery eliminates the need for doctors to remove bones and muscles to remove bulging discs. Through a tiny surgical port, surgeons may observe the spine with a camera that is smaller than a smart phone camera (tube).
The use of large incisions is avoided. Traditional spine procedures cause harm to your spine, but this method does not. A disc herniation surgery takes roughly 30 minutes to complete. The patient goes home in 2-3 hours when the surgery is done in a surgery center.

Endoscopic Spine Surgery New Jersey Spine Specialist
Advantages of Endoscopic Discectomy
- Minimally Invasive
- Short recovery
- High Success rate
- Preservation of spinal mobility
- Local Anesthesia
- Minimal blood loss
- Same-day surgery with no hospitalization (outpatient procedure)
- Small incision and minimal scar tissue formation
Conditions Can an Endoscopic Discectomy Surgery Treat
- Disc Bulge
- Herniated Disc
- Disc Tear
- Radiculitis
- Radiculopathy
- Brachial Neuritis
- Cervical Disc Bulge
- The Cervical Disc Tear
- Cervical Herniated Disc
Lumbar Discectomy Surgery
Endoscopic discectomy is the least invasive and most effective surgical technique for treating spinal disc herniation patients. With endoscopic spine surgery, surgeons do not need to remove bones and muscles in order to remove herniated discs. Surgeons can see the spine with a camera, smaller than a smartphone camera, through a small surgical port (tube). Large incisions are avoided. The procedure does not traumatize your spine as traditional spine surgeries do. The whole process for disc herniation takes about 30 minutes. The patient goes home in 2-3 hours when the surgery is done in a surgery center. Dr. Dev Mishra senior orthopaedic surgeon at Shreya Hospital in Ghaziabad have 20 years of experience in Orthopaedic Surgery.
Endoscopic Discectomy Surgery Performed
With our discectomy procedure, the patient is brought to the operative room, and intravenous sedation is administered. Under anesthesia, a small metal tube is inserted into the spine for direct visualization. This tube serves as a passage for the surgical tools so that the patient’s muscles do not have to be torn or cut. Then, the annular tear, bulging disc, or herniated disc can be found easily under direct visualization by looking through the tube.
Under the guidance of the x-ray fluoroscopy and direct visualization, a piece of the herniated disc is removed with a grasper. A small disc bulge or annular tear can be treated with a laser, which vaporizes disc material, kills pain nerves inside the disc, and hardens the disc to prevent further leakage of disc material to the surrounding nerves. Finally, the tube is removed, and the incision is closed with a stitch or two.